
Just launched the new website for minddivers.com, built on the BeaverBuilder theming system and containing a nifty animated logo. The…


Sparechange.systems is a custom designed website built for blogging and e-commerce. The website’s product offering are PDF downloads that contain financial guidance content. The brainchild of John and Judy Ellsworth, this website divides its content across three major categories of time, money, and energy.

The design came out of numerous conversations and ideas I had while consulting with the Ellsworths, and it was clear they wanted a fiscally conservative look with a modern edge.

Pasatiempo Farms: Website and Content

This website for an organic farming operation launched mid-2022 at https://pasafarms.com. Here are the highlights:

A New Website For VEAC

The new Visalia Emergency Aid Council (VEAC) website is live, giving the organization an updated design built on the SquareSpace Content Management System (CMS). User Guides and training are part of the package, so that VEAC staff can maintain the content without relying on a web designer.

Michael LeGault’s New Website

Michael is a former Amazon employee and an established author with a great sense of humor. His background with Amazon…

Visalia Breakfast Rotary

This Rotary website went live toward the end of 2021 at https://vbrotary.org, just in time for their annual Impact A…

Ken DeVries, Realtor

This website went live at https://kendevries.com. It features an advanced media streaming configuration to accelerate the delivery of Ken’s high…

Visalia Rotary Community Foundation

https://www.visaliarcfoundation.org was built on the latest version of SquareSpace using a RapidRollout package. The Foundation’s new website is mobile-friendly and…

ColoradoWorks 420

Coloradoworks420.com is a niche market job board built to serve a localized market in the cannabis industry space. The website…