https://www.visaliarcfoundation.org was built on the latest version of SquareSpace. The Foundation’s new website is mobile-friendly and easy to update. A prime goal of the project was to deliver a website the client could update themselves, including adding and removing pages. The custom user guide, the videos referenced in the user guide, and screen-based training sessions knocked down the learning curve for this client so quickly that they were updating content themselves prior to taking the website live.
One of the more interesting points in the project came when the existing website went offline. That website held some of the content that was to be ported over into the new build. We were able to recover some content from archive.org, sometimes called the “internet wayback machine.” For the rest, the client’s understanding and vision for the new website took us the rest of the way. The project was engaged as a RapidRollout website (ready to take content in 25-days), but we actually managed to get almost all the content into the new website by that 25-day mark. The use of Amazon WorkDocs let us centralize the content gathering phase, and then manage changes to that content.